We are Vantage House (Sussex) Ltd a company registered in England (Company Number 08581454) with the registered address of Unit 5, The Bank Chambers, 239 South Coast Road, Peacehaven, BN10 8LD
- Your name
- Your job title
- Your work email address
- Your work phone number
- Your mobile phone number
- Your company’s postal address
- Details about the company you work for like its name and what it does
- Details of past orders you or your colleagues have placed with us
- Details of your engagement with our marketing activity, e.g. responses to marketing emails
- Details of conversations with our sales team
- Our website also uses ‘cookies’ to recognise that it’s you that’s come to visit.
- Registering on our website
- Placing an order online or over the phone
- Requesting information from us (e.g.an online enquiry via our website)
- Engaging with our sales team
It allows us to effectively deliver the best service to you and to keep you informed of products and information which might be of professional interest to you. In legal terms this is known as ‘legitimate interest’.
We don’t ask people to actively opt into sales and marketing communications as then nobody misses out on information that might have been of real interest to them. However, we understand that not everyone wants to hear from us and may wish to opt out of receiving further information. Let us know if you want to opt out by:
- Clicking on the link that we include with every marketing email
- By email at [email protected]
- By phone with our sales team 01273 777002
- In Writing to us at Unit 5, The Bank Chambers, 239 South Coast Road, Peacehaven, BN10 8LD
You’ll no longer receive sales and marketing communications from us but we will retain your information so that if you’re a customer this means that we can continue to provide our best service and if you’re not a customer we’ll know not to reach out to you in the future.
- Share the personal information we hold about you
- Update the information with any changes you would like
- Delete all or part of the information
- Regularly upgrading and maintaining our servers, always ensuring that adequate firewall, anti-virus and other security measures are in place
- Vetting any cloud-based applications to ensure that they are from reputable providers and meet appropriate security standards
- All personal information held by Vantage House is password protected and access is limited only to those members of our team who need it to do their job.
Please contact us and we will do everything we can to make things right. If you’re not happy with the outcome after that then you can always contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (https://ico.org.uk).